We are working together to serve our communities by addressing common issues, delivering programs and exchanging information. We are the unified voice for communities on municipal goals determined by our members.
In 1966, municipal leaders from Yellowknife, Fort Smith, Hay River and Inuvik met to form an association representing the NWT’s community governments.
The NWTAC was created to “promote the exchange of information among the community governments of the Northwest Territories and to provide a united front for the realization of goals.”
All 33 of the NWT’s incorporated communities and designated authorities are members of the NWTAC. Together, we have become a powerful, effective voice for NWT community governments. Acting on our democratically-adopted resolutions, we advocate for the interests of NWT communities to the Governments of Canada and the Northwest Territories, and through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM).
The NWTAC was known was the NWT Association of Municipalities until the creation of Nunavut in 1999. We are a not-for-profit society registered in the Northwest Territories and governed by the NWTAC Bylaws.
Any municipal corporation or community government in the Northwest Territories may be a member. In its role as a focus of information exchange and cooperative action, the NWTAC invites other organizations to become associate or supportive members.
Associate Membership
Associate members are societies, corporations, community governments or boards in the Northwest Territories that provide services in or for a Municipal Corporation. Request More information about Associate Memberships.
Supportive Membership
NWT community governments spend millions of dollars every year on products and services. The NWTAC connects businesses and organizations to community governments through the designation of supportive member. Supportive membership provides a forum for businesses and organizations to communicate directly with the people who influence or make important purchasing decisions for their community governments.
There are a variety of exciting opportunities.
Since 1966, the NWT Association of Communities has been the leading voice of community governments in the NWT. By working together toward the common goal of building stronger, sustainable, and self-sufficient communities, we believe we are able to make remarkable achievements. Partner with us towards our vision to “achieve all that our communities want to be”!