The communities of the Northwest Territories are incorporated in a number of ways, under a variety of legislation:
Cities, Towns and Villages are incorporated under the Cities, Towns and Villages Act and include Yellowknife, Ft. Simpson, Ft. Smith, Hay River, Norman Wells and Inuvik
Hamlets are incorporated under the Hamlets Act and include Aklavik, Ft. Liard, Ft. McPherson, Ft. Providence, Ft. Resolution, Paulatuk, Sachs Harbour, Tuktoyaktuk, Tulita, Enterprise, and Ulukhaktok
Charter Communities are incorporated under the Charter Communities Act and include Ft. Good Hope, and Tsiigehtchic
Tlicho Community Governments are incorporated under the Tlicho Community Governments Act and include Behchoko, Whati, Gameti and Wekweeti
Délîne Got’înê Government is incorporated under the Délîne Final Self-Government Agreement Act and includes Délîne
First Nations Designated Authorities are incorporated in communities where the Band government is the primary authority for delivering municipal services. They are incorporated through application of the Indian Act and include Colville Lake, Dettah, Jean Marie River, Kakisa, K’atlodechee First Nation, Lutsel K’e, Nahanni Butte, Wrigley and Sambaa K’e